Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Attraction Formula Review

When I first got into the seduction community I faced bullshit routines and advice given by men who weren't comfortable in their own skin. This did more harm then good as I faced endless rejections when I approached girls in night clubs not understand what I was doing wrong.

This lead me into a position were when I finally got with a girl, I became very comfortable very quickly. I didn't want to get back into the game because of being rejected was a scary idea. Someone I shied away from. Back then you were sold on lies, sales copy would tell you to use "this" method and you would get any girl you could ever want. All of this wasn't true. Luckily I stumbled across the Attraction Formula by Paul Janka. He doesn't claim you'll get every girl. In his eBook he even talks about only being able to get 11% of he girls he approaches, while this number seems low. Its not.

I've got through the entire eBook and that's why I had to write this Attraction Formula review. No more routines, no more being fake with women. Paul Janka guides you on the path to become a true player with women. But before you do that you'll have to grab your balls and force yourself to approach.

No approaching, no sex.

Thats the truth.

Attraction Formula Download